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“Taxation during the martial law” is a joint webinar of the State Tax Service and Association of Taxpayers of Ukraine

, published 03 February 2023 at 15:39

Joint webinar of the State Tax Service and Association of Taxpayers of Ukraine was held. Participants continued to consider taxation issues during the martial law.

Experts of the State Tax Service, among other things, informed about changes in taxation of the value added tax, which came into force on January 1 of the current year, application peculiarities of the VAT exemption from taxation regime and compiling tax invoices according to the new product codes according to the Ukrainian classification of the foreign activity products. 

Tax officials also commented on changes to the Decision-making procedure on registration / registration refusal of tax invoices/adjustment calculations in the Unified Register of Tax Invoices, explained the income tax payment, innovations in tax legislation regarding controlled foreign companies, etc.

Participants were also interested in the possibility of submitting clarifying tax declarations on the land payment and tax on immovable property other than land plot, according to the List of temporarily occupied territories and areas of hostilities, use of RRO/PRRO in the public catering sphere.

Tax officials, during the event, as always answered participants’ questions and provided recommendations regarding individual cases. Please note that Communication tax platforms operate in bodies of the State Tax Service for operational communication with business. It is also possible to get explanation by calling “hotlines” and in Contact Center of the State Tax Service.