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The final meeting of the Steering Committee of the METS project was held

, published 15 February 2023 at 19:40

The final meeting of the Steering Committee of an international technical assistance project "Swedish-Ukrainian partnership for a modern and efficient tax service - METS " was held today.

Online event was attended by acting Head of the State Tax Service Tetiana Kiriienko, Deputy Head of the State Tax Service for Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitalization Nataliia Kalienichenko, Heads of structural units of the State Tax Service, experts of the Swedish Tax Agency, headed by its Director General Ms. Katrin Westling Palm and representatives of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

Results of the project implementation and directions for further cooperation between the State Tax Service and the Swedish Tax Agency were discussed during the event.

“Expertise of the Swedish Tax Agency in the European integration sphere, formation of strategies for development of the Tax Service, service and communication with taxpayers, compliance and formation of the corporate culture is extremely useful for the State Tax Service on the way to implementation of planned reforms. Therefore, we strive to continue effective cooperation and exchange of experience with Swedish colleagues” – stated Tetiana Kiriienko.

One of the key results of joint project was the Global Survey of Taxpayers. Results of this survey proved correctness of chosen strategic course of the State Tax Service and will allow to improve strategy of the taxpayer-oriented approach in the future. After all, development of online services and the maximum support of taxpayers remain priority areas of work of the State Tax Service in conditions of the martial law.

According to Tetiana Kiriienko, among plans of the State Tax Service for 2023 are reforms aimed at improving administration system and compliance with tax legislation by the taxpayers, important digital transformations, as well as implementation of the EU legislation and regulations.

Representatives of the Swedish Tax Agency emphasized effectiveness of the experience exchange and interest in continuing further cooperation.