State Tax Service of Ukraine constantly receives information about alleged legislative violations, which are monitored by tax authorities.
One of the sources of such information is a chatbot "StopViolationBot" of the State Tax Service in the Telegram messenger.
During the 6 months of the chatbot's operation, the State Tax Service received more than 480 reports of legislative violations by business entities, of which 340 have already been considered, in particular, actual audits have been carried out at the addresses of alleged violations, and violators will be held responsible according to requirements of current legislation.
The vast majority of such reports related to citizens’ activities without state registration, violations of the payment procedure upon the sale of products on the Internet and failure to provide possibility of the non-cash payment.
So, in case you have information about:
non-application of the RRO/PRRO, non-issuance of fiscal checks;
bank card payment refusals;
price increase for food products, medicines;
non-registration of labor relations with employees;
conduction of economic activities without state registration, it is easy and simple to inform the State Tax Service about such facts by just following the link:
Chatbot "StopViolationBot" of the State Tax Service
We would like to thank everyone for their active citizenship and assistance in revealing facts of illegal activity.