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State Tax Service and State Labor Service cooperate in direction of ensuring that employers register labor relations with employees

, published 22 March 2023 at 16:02

In conditions of war, the state directs all its capabilities to ensure its defense capability, combat capability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and social protection of our citizens. This requires support of each citizen in the form of paid taxes and single contribution to obligatory state social insurance (hereinafter – single contribution) for each employee.

State Tax Service of Ukraine and State Labor Service of Ukraine have joined forces to ensure registration of labor relations between employers and employees, payment of taxes and single contribution. For this purpose, a number of employees are constantly monitored and their number corresponds to the volume of economic activity.

In the course of monitoring, employers who have a high risk of using undeclared employment are identified.

Please note that the liability for using employment of one undocumented employee can be up to 201 000 UAH. And this is more than amount of the employee's salary at the minimum level (6700 UAH) with payment of all taxes and levies for 2 years of work.

At the beginning of 2022, about 3 million employees were working without registration of labor relations. Provided that salaries are paid at least at the minimum level, this is almost 100 billion UAH of taxes and levies per year, which can be directed to the defense of our state.

Remember! Ukraine is fighting the occupiers not only with weapons, but also with its labor, which must be declared!

Whoever does not pay taxes – does not support our defenders!

In case of questions about how to correctly register employee for work or other issues related to labor relations, it is possible to:

leave a request for advisory support via the link:

or using the online consulting service "interactive inspector".