Ministry of Finance, State Tax Service and the EU4PFM invite financial agents and professional business associations to participate in a workshop on the application of the CRS Common Reporting Standard on June 20 and 21, 2023.
Purpose of the event: to acquaint business with the key aspects of the CRS application.
For discussion:
-Responsibilities of accountable financial institutions:
-Accountable financial institutions vs non-accountable financial institutions;
-Financial accounts;
-Accountable accounts and excluded accounts;
-Rules of due diligence;
-Information to be reported and shared;
-Confirmation of the application of due diligence measures;
-Question and answer session.
Format: online
Date and time:
-June, 20: 09:40 - 13:00
-June, 21: 10:00 - 13:00
Working languages: English and Ukrainian. Simultaneous translation from English will be provided.
Speakers: experts of the OECD Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, representatives of the Ministry of Finance, State Tax Service and the EU4PFM.
Registration by the link: