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Employment of minors

, published 08 September 2023 at 12:26

Minors (from 14 to 18 years old) have the same rights as adults in employment. At the same time, they enjoy a number of significant benefits regarding labor protection, working hours, holidays and some other working conditions.

Teenagers cannot work in dangerous and harmful conditions, underground, at thermal and nuclear power plants, at oil and gas extraction enterprises and other jobs from the List of heavy jobs and jobs with harmful and dangerous working conditions. They cannot be involved in night (from 22:00 to 6:00 a.m.), overtime, and weekend work.

Workers under the age of 18 are also not allowed to move and lift things weighing more than the maximum limits. In addition, cargo work is limited by time – not more than one third of the working time. In other words, if employee works 7 hours a day, then cargo work should not last more than 2.3 hours.

First of all, conclude employment contract with a minor employee only in writing form(!).

Important: potential minor employee should not have any medical contraindications. Therefore, minor must undergo medical examination and provide certificate. Such professional review should become annual tradition – until the employee turns 21 years old.

In addition, you can't put minors on probation during the hiring process.

Важливо: у потенційного неповнолітнього працівника не повинно бути медичних протипоказань. Тому він має пройти медичне обстеження і надати довідку. Такий профогляд має стати щорічною традицією – допоки працівнику не виповниться 21 рік.

Крім того, ви не можете встановлювати випробувальний термін для неповнолітніх під час прийому на роботу.