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General fund of the state budget received 10.9 billion UAH of excise tax in September 2023

, published 16 October 2023 at 10:53

General fund of the State Budget of Ukraine received excise tax from excisable goods (products) produced in Ukraine and imported to the customs territory of Ukraine in the amount of 10.9 billion UAH in September 2023.

This is 126.2 percent of income indicator set by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine (2.26 billion UAH was additionally received) and by 1.7 billion UAH or by 18.6 percent exceeds last September's revenues.

Fulfillment of income indicators was achieved due to additional income from products produced in Ukraine:

tobacco products – by 2.8 billion UAH or 167.2 percent from set revenue rate (4.2 billion UAH);

liquor and vodka products – by 0.13 billion UAH or 132.3 percent from set task (0.39 billion UAH);

wine production (without added alcohol) – by 0.06 billion UAH or 159.1 percent from set revenue indicator (0.1 billion UAH).

Please also note that due to implementation of provisions of the Law on transferring to manufacturers and importers of tobacco products, liquids used in electronic cigarettes obligation to pay a 5-percent excise tax on the retail sale of tobacco products, local budget revenues from this tax increased significantly. Average monthly amount of declared 5% excise tax by manufacturers and importers is 655.6 million UAH, which is 2.8 times more than figures before the introduction of this norm for a period of January – August 2023 (234.1 million UAH in January – April 2022).