Qualified provider of electronic trust services of the State Tax Service of Ukraine changes its IP addresses from 00:00 on 15.11.2023:
for the domain names ca.tax.gov.ua and acskidd.gov.ua, the new IP address instead of starts working;
for the domain name smart-sign.tax.gov.ua – the new address is instead of
If the IP addresses, not domain names, are specified in settings of your systems, it is necessary to change the specified addresses to new ones from 00:00 on 15.11.2023.
In this regard, the Qualified provider of electronic trust services of the State Tax Service of Ukraine informs about possible partial restrictions on access to electronic services:
03.11.2023 from 00:00 00 min. until 2 a.m. 00 min.;
07.11.2023 from 00:00 00 min. until 2 a.m. 00 min.;
14.11.2023 from 11 p.m. 00 min. until 5 a.m. 00 min. on 15.11.2023.
If necessary, use electronic trust services of other qualified providers of electronic trust services.
Sorry for the temporary inconveniences.