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State Tax Service continues international cooperation with Swedish colleagues

, published 13 November 2023 at 15:08

Meeting as a part of the visit program of Swedish delegation led by the Minister of Finance of Sweden Ms. Elisabeth Svantesson to Ukraine and with participation of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Sweden to Ukraine Mr. Martin Aberg was held with acting Head of the State Tax Service of Ukraine Tetiana Kiriienko.

Tetiana Kiriienko thanked for effective cooperation with the Swedish Tax Agency, which was carried out within the framework of signed memorandum and project "Swedish-Ukrainian partnership for a modern and efficient Tax service – METS". In particular, it was thanks to Swedish colleagues and SIDA (Styrelsen för InternationelltUtvecklingssamarbete), who conducted independent Global taxpayer survey, results of which were presented at the beginning of 2023. 

"State Tax Service of Ukraine highly appreciates cooperation results between the tax services of Sweden and Ukraine regarding exchange of experience and implementation of international practices in the State Tax Service in components of personnel management and taxpayer orientation, including practices of conducting independent surveys. We are working on prolonging our cooperation, expanding it in the context of Ukraine's integration into the EU and gaining practical knowledge and experience in the implementation of integration processes in regulatory and IT spheres" – stated Tetiana Kiriienko.

As a result of meeting, the Minister of Finance of Sweden Elisabeth Svantesson expressed her support for extending cooperation of tax authorities and expressed her readiness to facilitate this process.