State Tax Service of Ukraine, through its chatbot "StopViolationBot", Contact center of the Information and Reference Department of the State Tax Service and other communication channels constantly receives information about work of online stores that operate without use of RRО/РRRО and without issuing relevant settlement documents, which is a rough violation of the Law of Ukraine № 265/95-VR as of 06.07.1995 "On use of registrars of settlement operations in trade, public catering and services" with changes (hereinafter – Law № 265).
Received information does not go unnoticed and is sufficient for organization of actual audits of business entities involved in trade with violations.
Employees of the Actual audit department of Kyiv city conducted audit of the online store in which single tax payer sold mobile phones and electronic gadgets of the "Apple" brand without using the RRО/РRRО and issuing relevant settlement documents.
For violation of Paragraphs 1 and 2 Article 3 of the Law № 265, the business entity was held financially liable in the amount of almost 68 thousand UAH.
State Tax Service once again draws attention of payers that it is better to carry out any economic activity in compliance with requirements of current legislation than to pay fines.
State Tax Service is grateful to consumers for their timely response to possible violations committed by unscrupulous taxpayers during their settlement operations.