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Results of annual survey on assessing business satisfaction with level of service provided by tax authorities – 2023

, published 12 January 2024 at 14:06

State Tax Service of Ukraine conducted annual survey on assessing business satisfaction with level of service provided by tax authorities from November 7, 2023 to December 7, 2023.

Survey was conducted on web portal platform of the State Tax Service by respondents filling out questionnaires and was designed to identify problematic issues in work of authorities of the State Tax Service that require special attention and intervention in order to eliminate them, as well as to determine those aspects of activity with which payers are, on the contrary, satisfied.  

Respondents rated various aspects of taxpayers' cooperation with authorities of the State Tax Service on a six-point scale, where 6 means "Very good" and 1 means "Very bad". Respondents could also state "Your option".

Taxpayers assessed their satisfaction with various aspects, which were grouped according to the following areas:

electronic services;

taxpayer service centers;


assessment of work of authorities of the State Tax Service as a whole.

Total of 7007 respondents from all regions of Ukraine took part in the survey, of which 1356 were representatives of legal entities (19.35 percent of the total); 2977 – individuals-entrepreneurs (self-employed individuals) (42.49 percent) and 2674 from individuals who do not conduct economic activity (38.16 percent).

94.76 percent payers received electronic services in the last year.

To receive electronic services, payers most often use such information resource as the ICS "Electronic cabinet" (hereinafter – Electronic cabinet) (65.53 percent), 15.26 percent use web portal of the State Tax Service and 7.02 percent use chatbots.

It should be noted that for 78.87 percent respondents, the need to receive electronic services increased during the martial law.

In general, willingness to contact authorities of the State Tax Service when necessary and assessment of work of authorities of the State Tax Service are generally quite high. Payers estimate their willingness to apply at 5.32 points out of 6 (this indicator was 4.56 points in 2022), which reflects level of payers’ trust to authorities of the State Tax Service (increase of 16.7 percent).

The overall assessment of authorities of the State Tax Service as a whole is 5.31 points out of 6 (this indicator was 5.05 points in 2022) (increase of 5.1 percent).