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Cooperation with international partners: defined areas of cooperation

, published 20 February 2024 at 16:58

Mission of the Tax and Budget Department of the International Monetary Fund, which was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, State Tax Service of Ukraine and State Customs Service of Ukraine at invitation of the International Monetary Fund in Ukraine on January 22-26, 2024 completed its work.

Participants from the State Tax Service were acting Head of the State Tax Service Tetiana Kiriienko, acting Deputy Head of the State Tax Service Yevhenii Sokur and Director of the Legal Entities Taxation Department Tetiana Hrechana.

During events, action plan for practical implementation of the National Revenue Strategy was developed; specific areas of tax policy reform and revenue administration system for the short- and medium-term perspective were considered.

In the course of work, representatives of the State Tax Service presented concrete steps to organize successful implementation of the National Revenue Strategy in tax administration area. Parties discussed partnership development programs and their coordination with the National Revenue Strategy, necessary technical assistance for their implementation.

During the technical mission, matters related to tax administration during the taxation reform of extractive industry, controlled foreign companies, introduction of taxation of virtual assets, implementation of European rules on taxation of digital platforms (DAC7/OECD), management of tax risks, including international ones, etc. were discussed.

Reminder! Government of Ukraine approved the National Revenue Strategy for 2024-2030 by Order № 1218 as of 27.12.2023, fulfilling Ukraine's obligations under Memorandum with the International Monetary Fund.