241 232 business entities submitted corporate income tax declaration for 2023.
In Ukraine as a whole, such business entities declared 13 407.3 billion UAH of income, which is 2 243.9 billion UAH (or 16.7 percent) more compared to the declared amount of income in 2022 (11 163.4 billion UAH).
Herewith, amount of income tax for 2023 amounted to 217 billion UAH, which, in turn, is 48.2 percent (or 104.6 billion UAH) more compared to the previous reporting year.
Accrued income tax payable for the IV quarter of 2023 amounted to 110.1 billion UAH, which is almost 3 times more than figure for the same period of previous reporting year.
At the same time, declaration of income tax liabilities by certain categories of payers of this tax, please note.
Due to adoption of the Law of Ukraine № 3474-IX as of 21.11.2023 "On amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine on taxation specifics of banks and other taxpayers", banking institutions declared 70 billion UAH for 2023, which is almost 19 times (or 66 .3 billion UAH) more compared to 2022. At the same time, in the IV quarter of 2023, banks accrued 59.3 billion UAH, which is 37 times more than figure for the IV quarter of 2022 (1.6 billion UAH) (or by 57.7 billion UAH).
Another category of business entities is taxpayers who determine income tax based on the minimum tax liability for 2023. Such entities declared income tax taking into account positive value of the minimum tax liability in the amount of 255.4 million UAH, which is only 24.2 million UAH (or 9.5 percent) less than the corresponding figure for 2022 (279 .6 million UAH), taking into account the fact that a large part of agricultural land is located in territories of active hostilities and/or temporarily occupied territories.
Thank you for diligently fulfilling your tax obligations!