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State Tax Service is ambassador of system "Trembita"

, published 15 March 2024 at 13:00

State Tax Service of Ukraine was recognized as ambassador of system "Trembita" and one of the first authorities that implemented system and data exchange between state registers.

It is worth noting that two out of five billion transactions in system "Trembita" are operations of the State Tax Service that ensure interaction between information systems.

Award was received as a part of the two-day forum "Digital transformation as a catalyst for the European integration of Ukraine: infrastructure, services, cyber security" organized by the Electronic Government Academy (eGA) with support of the European Union.

Participants, during event, discussed impact of digital transformation on the European integration of Ukraine and summarized results of the EU4DigitalUA project, which during 4 years of work in Ukraine participated in development of 54 services for the Diia portal and application.

Representatives of the European Commission, EU Representation in Ukraine, Ministry of Digital Transformation, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Education and Science, State Special Communications, IT sector and international projects in Ukraine participated in forum. Deputy Head of the State Tax Service of Ukraine for Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitization Nataliia Kalienichenko took part as a speaker from the State Tax Service. During her speech, she thanked Ministry of Digital Transformation, Electronic Government Academy (eGA) and leaders of the EU4DigitalUA project for support and development of services for both business and citizens, presenting results of work in digitization of the Tax Service's relations with taxpayers and other authorities.

As a part of the European integration processes, the State Tax Service will continue to focus on digitization, which contributes to increasing availability of electronic services for citizens and business.

Let's go to the European future together!

Read more about results of the EU4DigitalUA project here.