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Representatives of the Ministry of Finance and State Tax Service took part in international educational and practical seminar on transfer pricing

, published 02 April 2024 at 15:23

Representatives of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and State Tax Service of Ukraine at invitation of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) took part in a workshop (educational and practical seminar) on the topic: "Transfer Pricing Train-the-Trainer Workshop Selected Topics".  

Specified workshop is a part of training program course on the basics of transfer pricing and is aimed at improving professional competencies of participants, expanding knowledge in control over foreign economic activity, establishing international relations for further exchange of experience.

Representatives of tax authorities from 11 countries of the world received qualified expert assistance on the application of tax control to transfer pricing, namely: on conducting functional analysis (FAR) as a basis for determining functional profile of parties to controlled operations, analysis of comparability factors and transfer pricing verification methodology.

In addition, practical cases regarding operations with intangible assets, financial operations and intra-group services were considered within the framework of applying approaches of the OECD Guidelines in edition 2022 and taking into account specifics of national legislation of the workshop participant countries.

During exchange of experience with countries participating in seminar, representatives of the State Tax Service were informed about activities aimed at improving transfer pricing rules, taking into account the latest world practices, and about development of information and communication system designed to process large data sets and identify risks of non-compliance with conditions of controlled operations to the "arm’s length" principle.

Specialists of the State Tax Service also shared their own work experience with regard to transfer pricing audits.

In general, meeting was useful for all its participants and experience gained will further contribute to improvement of control over transfer pricing and will be taken into account considering relevant legislative initiatives.