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Honesty of the taxpayer – transparent business activity

, published 27 May 2024 at 10:31

State Tax Service of Ukraine reminds that carrying out business activity, it is necessary to comply with requirements of current legislation of Ukraine, as this is the duty of every taxpayer of our country.

At the same time, there are cases of non-compliance by taxpayers with requirements of current legislation of Ukraine.

Employees of territorial tax audit units of the State Tax Service conducted more than 140 actual audits of business entities that sold household appliances and electronics in April 2024. Facts of the failure to carry out settlement operations through the RRO/PRRO were established according to audit results.

As a result, fines in the amount of more than 6.5 million UAH will be applied to taxpayers.

State Tax Service of Ukraine notes that only conscientious fulfillment by taxpayers of duties defined by the law, including from fiscalization of accounts, is a guarantee of sustainable business development and absence of sanctions from controlling authorities.