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e-Entrepreneur: 10 services in one application on the Diia portal

, published 12 June 2024 at 18:08

State Tax Service is a participant in digital projects implemented by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.

Comprehensive e-Entrepreneur service was launched on the Diia portal. From now on, entrepreneurs have opportunity to order necessary services for running their own business, change or expand scope of activity in half an hour without going to institutions.

e-Entrepreneur is a service for simplifying running business. With one application, 10 services, including tax services, can be issued online in 15-40 minutes.

Currently available services:

1. State registration of individuals-entrepreneurs.

2. State registration of changes to information about individuals-entrepreneurs contained in the Unified State Register.

3. Registration of compliance declaration with material and technical base of business entity with legislative requirements on fire safety.

4. State registration of capacities of food market operators.

5. State registration of creation of a limited liability company (abb. LLC) based on a model charter.

6. State registration of the LLC's transition to activity based on the model charter.

7. Submission of vacancies.

8. Registration/switching to the simplified taxation system.

9. Registration as the value added tax payer.

10. Opening of a bank account.

e-Entrepreneur is a digital solution for business that leaves papers, queues, and waiting in the past.

The e-Entrepreneur comprehensive service was developed within framework of the EU4DigitalUA project.