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Specialists of the State Tax Service explained nuances of forming standard audit file SAF-T UA

, published 22 July 2024 at 11:51

Within the framework of Memorandum on participation in experiment on the introduction of the "e-audit" procedure and in order to discuss problematic matters related to the introduction of standard audit file (SAF-T UA) in activity, representatives of the State Tax Service held online meeting with representatives of a large tax-paying company, which, in particular, carried out sale of grain.

Participants discussed working out methods of forming, sending, receiving and processing electronic documents in the form of standard audit file (SAF-T UA), which were ambiguously interpreted by the taxpayers and needed clarification.

In addition, parties agreed to conduct comprehensive and qualitative consultations on the ongoing basis.

Please note that updates to the Detailed Technical Description of SAF-T UA elements and Addendum to the detailed technical description of SAF-T UA elements, with the possibility of downloading them, can be found on web portal of the State Tax Service in the "Electronic reporting" section at the link: https://tax /gov/ua/elektronna-zvitnist/xsd-viznachennya-shemi-xml.