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EU4PFM contributes to implementation of new IT solution for processing of large data sets on transfer pricing matters for the State Tax Service

, published 26 July 2024 at 10:19

The EU4PFM project continues to provide comprehensive support to the State Tax Service of Ukraine in implementation of advanced IT solutions for processing large data sets in the transfer pricing sphere. One such solution is automated IT system specially designed for the transfer pricing risk analysis.

Developer of the software product conducted training for territorial bodies of the State Tax Service with participation of leadership and specialists of the Transfer Pricing Department on July 24, 2024. During this event, employees of the State Tax Service had opportunity to familiarize themselves with functionality of new system, its work algorithms and practical results of risk analysis related to large volumes of the transfer pricing data.

As of today, new IT solution is at the final stage of implementation and will soon be actively used in work of the State Tax Service of Ukraine. This implementation is important step towards increasing efficiency and transparency of the State Tax Service, as well as strengthening financial system of Ukraine.