Today, representatives of the State Tax Service and “Ukrainian Agri Council” Public Union discussed advantages offered to business by the new State Tax Service’s project "Territory of high tax trust level". As acting Deputy Head of the State Tax Service Yevhenii Sokur noted, these are new approaches to communication with the Tax Service and building transparent relations between the state and entrepreneurs.
"Criteria for project participants are clearly defined. If they are met, the payer receives invitation in the Electronic cabinet to join initiative and enjoy all the benefits. List of taxpayers with a high level of voluntary compliance with tax legislation will be formed quarterly and the first one will be formed on December 5, 2024" – stated Yevhenii Sokur.
Taxpayers can find all necessary information on the State Tax Service sub-site “Territory of high tax trust level”: check their own indicators, learn about average tax payment figures to the budget and average salaries by industry, etc.
"Among the advantages for business are exemption from the most of documentary unscheduled, scheduled and actual audits and reduction of terms for providing individual tax consultations. In addition, each payer included in the List will have a compliance manager who will promptly advise on tax matters, and if necessary, help eliminate potential risks of violating tax legislation" – emphasized Yevhenii Sokur.
Compliance manager will also inform about legislative requirements and restrictions, help develop the best strategies for fulfilling tax obligations. This includes a detailed analysis of financial transactions and searching for government support tools that the payer can use.