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Newsletter № 2. Tax decisions in favor of the taxpayers

, published 06 February 2020 at 14:11

State tax service is interested in providing comprehensive assistance to the taxpayers, including ensuring the implementation of the taxpayer’s right to challenge decisions of the territorial offices administratively at a high level which the taxpayers consider to be incorrect.  

Right on administrative challenge of the supervisory authorities’ decisions is an important and necessary mechanism for pre-litigation of dispute between the taxpayer and the supervisory authority, which enables to protect the taxpayer’s interests, to identify deficiencies in the work of the supervisory authorities and to eliminate them in time, save time and bypassing court appeals.

To continue section of this week’s newsletter, we highlight recent vivid examples of decisions made in favor of the taxpayers in administrative appeal process, including the involvement of Business Ombudsman Council inspectors.

The newsletter can be downloaded here.