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Newsletter 22. On stimulating the un-shadowing of incomes and increasing citizens’ tax culture by introducing the one-time (special) voluntary declaration of assets belonging to individuals and payment of the one-time budget levy

, published 05 August 2021 at 13:55

STS developed a thematic Newsletter as a part of informational and explanatory campaign regarding the one-time (special) voluntary declaration of individuals’ assets.

Newsletter explains in detail features of the Law of Ukraine as of 15.06.2021 № 1539-IX“On amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine to stimulate the un-shadowing of incomes and increasing citizens’ tax culture by introducing the one-time (special) voluntary declaration of assets belonging to individuals and payment of the one-time budget levy”.

You will learn:

what is the one-time (special) voluntary declaration,

what are the terms of the one-time (special) voluntary declaration,

what assets are subject to the one-time (special) declaration,

who can use the one-time (special) voluntary declaration,

who cannot be a declarant,

what information is indicated in the one-time (special) voluntary declaration, etc.

Read the Newsletter № 22 here.


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