Newsletter№ 4/2023 is dedicated to some taxation peculiarities of taxpayers during the martial law, in connection with changes introduced by the Law of Ukraine №3219-IX as of 30.06.2023 "On amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and other laws of Ukraine regarding taxation peculiarities during the martial law" (hereinafter - Law №3219), in particular in part of taxation peculiarities of the taxpayer during transition from the simplified taxation system with the single tax percentage rate of 2% to the taxation system on which such taxpayer was before choosing the specified taxation peculiarities.
Law № 3219 will enter into force on 01.08.2023.
Newsletter contains the following information regarding:
- transition procedure to the general taxation system or to the simplified taxation system for taxpayers who lose right to use the simplified taxation system, namely: to be the single tax payer of Group III with use of the 2% single tax rate of 2% on the amount of income (hereinafter - simplified taxation system with peculiarities);
- course of which terms, determined by the Tax Code of Ukraine, are renewed from 01.08.2023;
- about transition peculiarities to the payment of corporate income tax after using simplified system with special of taxation peculiarities (completion of declaration, determination of reporting periods and amounts of annual income, value of non-current assets for purposes of tax depreciation, application of "thin capitalization", tax differences when carrying out export-import operations, etc.);
- whether "donations", compensation for damaged/destroyed real estate will be subject to the personal income tax;
- payment peculiarities of the value added tax by the taxpayers after transition from the simplified system with special taxation peculiarities (determination of tax obligations, completion of tax invoices, determination of tax periods, etc.);
- payment peculiarities of the single contribution during the martial law, etc.
Read the Newsletter here.
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