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Newsletter № 2/2025: Regarding certain amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine, introduced by the Law of Ukraine “On amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine to take into account provisions of recommendations ...

, published 26 February 2025 at 13:47

Newsletter 2/2025: Regarding certain amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine, introduced by the Law of Ukraine “On amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine to take into account provisions of recommendations of the Council of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development regarding tax measures to further combat bribery of foreign officials in the international business transactions”

Newsletter № 2/2025 examines innovations provided for by this Law, aimed at preventing granting of undue benefits and taking such expenses into account for taxation.

Main changes:

- It is prohibited to take into account expenses related to illegal benefit for tax reduction.

- Tax Service and taxpayers will receive notifications about the detected facts of possible bribery.

- Taxpayers can independently adjust their tax liabilities if there were facts of unlawful benefit.

- Audit of enterprises with the court convictions for bribery is planned.

- Financial result of enterprises will increase by the amount of expenses associated with bribes.

The Law also takes into account the OECD recommendations, making amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine.

Read the Newsletter here.

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