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Record keeping of inventories at the place of their sale for individuals – entrepreneurs

, published 09 December 2021 at 15:40

Users of registrars of settlement operations / its software version please note that on 26.11.2021 entered into force the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine as of 03.09.2021 № 496 “On approval of Procedure for record keeping of inventories for individuals – entrepreneurs, including single tax payers”, which was registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 02.11.2021 № 1411/37033 (hereinafter – Order № 496).

Taxpayers who, according to the law, conduct settlement operations with use of registrars of settlement operations / its software version, note that Procedure № 496 establishes an obligation to record keeping of inventories at the place of their sale for individuals – entrepreneurs and not certain products.

As follows, if there is an obligation to record keeping of inventories at the place of their sale, individuals – entrepreneurs must record keeping of all products in sale, not just those specified in Paragraph 61 of Sub-section 10 Section XX of the Tax Code of Ukraine.

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