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To the attention of subjects of foreign economic activity that carry out export of products!

, published 22 November 2023 at 13:16

State Tax Service of Ukraine informs that the National Bank of Ukraine, on the basis of Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №76-r as of 13.02.2019 "On the approval of list of products and (or) sectors of economy for which the National Bank has a right to establish exceptions and (or) introduction peculiarities of the protection measure provided for by the Clause 1 of Part 1 of Article 13 of the Law of Ukraine "On currency and currency operations"", established new settlement deadlines for export of products classified by codes according to the Ukrainian classification of the foreign economic activity products:

- 1001 (wheat and a mixture of wheat and rye (meslin)),

-  1002 (rye),

- 1003 (barley),

- 1004 (oats),

- 1005 (corn),

- 1201 (soybeans),

- 1205 (rape seed),

- 1206 00 (sunflower seeds),

- 1507 (soybean oil),

- 1512 (sunflower oil),

- 1514 (rapeseed or mustard oil),

- 2306 (oilcake).

Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine №145 as of 10.11.2023 made amendments to Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine №67 as of 14.05.2019 "On establishing exceptions and (or) introduction peculiarities of settlement deadlines for export and import of products and amending some regulatory legal acts", namely: Sub-paragraph 1 amended with the following content:

"12. Settlement deadlines for export of products, classified by codes according to the Ukrainian classification of the foreign economic activity products: 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1201, 1205, 1206 00, 1507, 1512, 1514, 2306, are 90 calendar days and apply to operations carried out since 11.11.2023".

It should be noted that the additions to the NBU Resolution №67 entered into force on 11.11.2023.