- Personal reception schedule.
- Regulatory and legal framework:
Extract from the Constitution of Ukraine (Article 40);
Law of Ukraine № 393/96-VR as of 10.02.1996 "On citizens’ appeals".
- Procedure for considering citizens’ appeals of the State Tax Service
Advance registration of citizens for a personal appointment with leadership of the State Tax Service and officials of structural departments of the State Tax Service is carried out from Monday to Friday from 08:30 until 12.30 and from 13.00 until 17.00 by phone (044) 247-35-14.
Registration for regular appointments with leadership of the State Tax Service is terminated ten working days before the date of personal reception, for officials of structural departments of the State Tax Service - five working days before the date of personal reception. Registration for the next appointment begins onthe day of termination of registration for the next appointment.
State Tax Service also accepts:
written appeals to the postal address: Lvivska Square, building 8, Kyiv, 04053;
verbal appeals by the telephone communication means through Contact Center of the State Tax Service (for citizens’ appeals) by phone: 0 800 501 007, selecting direction "6" in the interactive voice menu;
electronic appeals using the Internet, electronic communication means to mailboxes:
(for citizens’ appeals)
! in the form of scanned copies or photocopies of written applications with the applicant's signature indicating the date and place of residence (registration).
(for self-employed individuals, individuals-entrepreneurs and legal entities)
- Information on the placement of Public Reception Hall:
Reception of citizens at the State Tax Service is carried out at the address: Kyiv, Lvivska square, building 8 (first floor, room "Citizens’ Reception").