Order No. 1491 of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
dated November 25, 2011
In the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine under No. 1428/20166
on December 12, 2011
1.1. This Procedure has been developed according to the Law of Ukraine ‘On Access to Public Information’ (hereinafter referred to as the Law), Decree No. 547 of the President of Ukraine ‘Issues regarding Providing Access to Public Information by Governmental Authorities’ dated May 5, 2011 and Resolution No. 583 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ‘Issues regarding Compliance with the Law of Ukraine ‘On Access to Public Information’ dated May 25, 2011 within the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, central governmental authorities and local governments’ in order to create mechanisms for excising personal right to access to public information possessed by the State Tax Service of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the STS of Ukraine), as well as to simplify the procedure for submitting requests for access to public information to maximum extent.
1.2. Request for Information possessed by the State Tax Service of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the Request for Information) shall be submitted by an individual taxpayer or a legal entity, association of citizens without a legal entity status (hereinafter referred to as the Inquirer) to the STS of Ukraine in a written and oral format during personal visit or by post, e-mail, facsimile or by phone at the discretion of the inquirer.
1.3. Access to public information provided by the STS of Ukraine shall be monitored publicly according to the Law of Ukraine.
2.1. The inquirer shall be entitled to apply to the STS of Ukraine with the Request for information irrespective of whether such information affects him personally or not, without explaining the reason for submitting the Request for information.
2.2. The Request for Information shall be submitted in a free format.
2.3. The Request for Information must contain:
surname, name and patronymic name (name of organization) of the inquirer, postal address or e-mail, and number of communication means (if any);
general description of information or type, name, details or content of the document requested if it is known to the inquirer;
signature and date of the written request submission.
2.4. For the purpose of simplifying the procedure for drafting a written Request for information the inquirer may use respective forms of request submission approved by Order No. 1491 of the Ministry if Finance of Ukraine dated November 25, 2011 (hereinafter referred to as the Forms of Request). The above-mentioned forms of request can be received in the building of the STS of Ukraine at the following address: Kyiv, 8, Lvivska Square, 1st floor (room designated for access to the documents containing public information), or at the official web-site of the STS of Ukraine in section ‘Access to Public Information’.
2.5. The inquirer may fill in the form for submission of e-Request for the information contained at the web-site of the STS of Ukraine.
2.6. The Request for information may be submitted by the inquirer personally to the unit which ensures access to the public information within the Taxpayers’ Service Department of the STS of Ukraine during working hours in line with the rules of the Internal Labor Regulations (Monday through Thursday from 9.00 to 13.00 pm and from 13.45 to 18.00 pm; on Friday – till 16. 45 pm).
2.7.When submitting the Request for information, the inquirer shall indicate the format at which he/she would prefer to receive the requested information.
2.8. When the person is unable due to a valid reason (disability, handicap etc.) to submit a written Request for information, such Request for information shall be drafted by an employee of the unit which ensures access to the public information within the Taxpayers’ Service Department of the STS of Ukraine indicating surname, name and patronymic name and contact phone number in the Request for information and hand its copy to the person who submitted this Request.
2.9. Upon the request of the inquirer the first page of the Request copy shall be sealed with the stamp indicating the name of the office of the STS of Ukraine, incoming date and number of the Request. Such copy shall be handed back to the inquirer.
Director of Department for
Tax and Customs Policy and Accounting Methodology М. О. Chmeruk