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NOTE on the channels of notification regarding possible corruption facts or corruption-related offenses, other violations of the Law of Ukraine “On corruption prevention” in apparatus of the State Tax Service of Ukraine

published 16 September 2021 at 16:05


Order of the State Tax Service of Ukraine

14.07.2021 № 687


on the channels of notification regarding possible corruption facts or corruption-related offenses, other violations of the Law of Ukraine “On corruption prevention” in apparatus of the State Tax Service of Ukraine


The whistleblower independently determines which channels to use to report about possible corruption facts or corruption-related offenses, other violations of the Law of Ukraine “On corruption prevention” (hereinafter – notification) in apparatus of the State Tax Service of Ukraine!

In the STS’s apparatus it is possible to submit a message anonymously (without authorship) in the following ways:

to the e-mail address of the Corruption Prevention and Detection Department –;

by the multi-channel telephone number of the “Pulse” service – 0 800 501 007 (direction “7”);

through the online communication channel of the official web portal of the State Tax Service –;

using postal means to the address: 04053, Kyiv, Lvivska Sq., 8.

It is also possible to submit notification:

through the “Pulse” service: e-mail;

in a written form through employees of the Corruption Prevention and Detection Department of the State Tax Service;

directly by phone to employee of the Corruption Prevention and Detection Department of the State Tax Service.