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Work with information

published 11 August 2021 at 10:00


Article 43 of the Law of Ukraine “On corruption prevention” (hereinafter – Law) stipulates that individuals referred to in Clause 1of Sub-paragraph “a” Paragraph 2 Part 1of Article 3 of this Law must not disclose or otherwise use confidential and other information with limited access, which became known to them in connection with performance of their official and professional duties, except as provided by law.

According to Ethical rules in the State Tax Service and its bodies approved by Order of the State Tax Service as of 02.09.2019 № 52 (with changes and amendments)

Employees of the STS’s apparatus and its territorial bodies (hereinafter – employees) are obliged to:

- act in a good faith, in particular not to disclose information that became known to him (her) in connection with performance of official duties, including individuals’ personal data, confidential and other information with limited access, regime of which is established by the Law Ukraine “On state secrets”, “On information”, “On personal data protection” and “On access to public information”, except as provided by law;

- in the process of work with information to evaluate it critically, analyze sources of information, use only official one, make decisions based on reliable and verified information, disseminate only information that is true.

Employees are forbidden to:

- conceal or restrict information that must be disclosed to others;

- disclose information about the whistleblower’s identity, his/her relatives or other data that may identify the whistleblower’s identity, his/her relatives, third parties not involved in consideration, verification and / or investigation of facts reported by the whistleblower, as well as persons whose actions or omissions relate to facts reported by him/her, except in cases established by law.

Employees must use their official position, resources of state and territorial community (movable and immovable property, funds, official information, technology, intellectual property, working hours, reputation, etc.) only to perform their duties and instructions of managers provided on the basis of and within powers provided by the Constitution and Laws of Ukraine.

Information with limited access is handled by the employee according to requirements of applicable law and if employee becomes aware of the threat or facts of unauthorized dissemination of information with limited access there is an obligation immediately notify his/her direct manager.

According to Procedure for assigning roles in the information and telecommunications system “Document management” approved by Order of the State Tax Service as of 02.07.2020 № 316

Employees of the STS’s apparatus and its territorial bodies, the ITS “Document management” users are obliged to:

- use information only for purposes specified in the job description or other organizational and administrative documents;

-  work with information only by personal user ID in the ITS “Document management”, password and other means of access to the ITS “Document management” and do not pass it to others;

- not to pass information to other persons;

- copy or store system information only on accounted media only for performance of functional duties.

Employees of the STS’s apparatus and its territorial bodies, the ITS “Document management” users are forbidden to:

- use information for purposes not prescribed in the job description;

- transfer the user ID to other persons, as well as password or other means of access to the ITS “Document management”;

- use someone else’s user ID and password for the ITS “Document management”;

- transfer confidential information to third parties;

- copy or store confidential information from the ITS “Document management” on any media, if it is not related to performance of functional duties.