German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) is German fund for international cooperation, similar to organizations such as the USAID (US Agency for International Development), SIDA (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency), Adetef (French Technical Assistance Agency). Chairman of the Supervisory Board of GIZ is the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Economy of Germany. Organization has a budget of 380 million euros and volume of operations of 2 billion euros. GIZ is active in more than 90 states.
Cooperation with GIZ began in December 2012, when the GIZ experts prepared a Report on the analysis of national tax system in Ukraine.
As a result of agreement with GIZ, a draft project “Conducting analysis of certain work processes of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine on the basis of Main Directorate of the SFS in Kyiv” was implemented. German GIZ experts, during the project, analyzed working processes related to the administration of value added tax, controlled operations, transfer pricing, income tax and personal income tax, as well as taxpayers’ service.
As a result of implementation of this draft project in early 2019, a final seminar was held on the review and analysis of working processes and functions. Recommendations of GIZ experts on increasing a number of automated operations performed by the State Tax Service, improving its organizational structure and introducing risk management system were obtained.
In addition, in order to implement German experience in the dual education, a quadripartite Memorandum of Cooperation was signed in June 2019 between the GIZ, National University of the SFS, Kyiv School of Economics and the SFS. The SFS University has developed an educational and professional program “Fiscal Administration” for preparation of masters in the dual form of education, which began on September 1, 2019.
As of today, with the support of GIZ, the State Tax Service is implementing a draft project “Dual Education: a new form of training for employees of the State Tax Service”. In order to introduce mentoring institute in the State Tax Service within a draft project, all participants of the mentoring program were selected, who are ongoing relevant studying at Kyiv School of Economics.
Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between GIZ and the State Tax Service on May 27, 2020. Document provides for such areas of cooperation as: introduction of certain standards provided for in the BEPS Action Plan, automatic exchange of information; harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with the EU legislation; introduction of a dual form of training in taxes and finance, new practices in personnel development; strengthening institutional capacity of the State Tax Service.
State Tax Service is a recipient of international technical assistance project “Effective management of public finances III” (implementation period is until 30.06.2022), its executor is GIZ.