Project "Public Finance Management Support Programme for Ukraine (EU4PFM): components 1, 3 and 4", development partner is the European Union, executor is the Public Institution Central Project Management Agency (CPMA) (Lithuania) (project registration card No 4266-03 dated 13.02.2023).
Project beneficiaries: Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, State Tax Service of Ukraine, State Customs Service of Ukraine.
Project recipients: Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, State Tax Service of Ukraine, State Customs Service of Ukraine, Accounting Chamber of Ukraine.
Project implementation period: 19.12.2018 - 19.12.2024.
Total project budget is 36.985 million EUR.
Project goal is to improve public finance management (PFM) in Ukraine, support relevant state institutions in improving budget preparation, implementation and control; supporting further development of modern, efficient and fair revenue collection system, supporting relevant public finance management institutions in strengthening their organizational capacities; strengthening resilience and building capacities to respond to the war impacts.
Project Public Finance Management Support Programme for Ukraine (EU4PFM) consists of the following components:
Component 1. Support of relevant state institutions in improving preparation, implementation and control of the budget "Modernization of budget process, improvement of control and accountability";
Component 3. Support for further development of modern, efficient and fair revenue collection system "Revenue mobilization";
Component 4. Support of relevant public finance management institutions in improving their organizational capabilities "Horizontal functions and management".
Memorandum of understanding was signed on 16.12.2022 in addition to the ENI 2018/404-165 agreement on cooperation between the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, State Tax Service of Ukraine, State Customs Service of Ukraine and Public Institution - Central Project Management Agency, according to which the overall goal of the program is to improve public finance management in Ukraine, which will ultimately lead to improved public service delivery and improved business climate, as well as strengthen Ukraine's resilience by responding to the urgent needs of Ukrainian government arising from russian military aggression in Ukraine.
Project "Transparency and accountability in public administration and services (TAPAS)"
Development partner: United States Agency for International Development. Executor: Eurasia Foundation. Beneficiary: Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.
Project goal is to support Government of Ukraine in implementing significant and successful reforms in public administration and services and to significantly reduce or eradicate corruption in key sectors.
Project implementation period: 04.08.2016 – 03.08.2022.
Memorandum of Cooperation was signed on 03.11.2020 between the State Tax Service of Ukraine, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, Eurasia Foundation (International Technical Assistance Project "Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services (TAPAS)") and the International Charitable Organization "Eastern Europe Foundation".
State Tax Service was included in the list of project recipients on 04.02.2021.
As a part of the State Tax Service’s project, support will be provided in creating effective control mechanism for turnover of excisable goods (alcoholic beverages and tobacco products) in the customs territory of Ukraine from the manufacturer or importer to the retail sale.
Project "Interoperability, e-services and cyber security" (EU4DigitalUA)
Project partner is the European Union. Executor of the project is the non-governmental organization Academy of Electronic Management (Estonia). Beneficiary is the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.
Project goal: increasing efficiency and level of security of process of the public services provision and their accessibility for citizens of business representatives of Ukraine, introduction of a greater number of public electronic services of the highest quality, which are provided by authorities and correspond to the priority 2.1 "Development of administrative services and their digitalization" of the Program of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, approved by Resolution № 471 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of 12.06.2020.
Project implementation period: 01.10.2020 – 31.03.2024.
Memorandum of Cooperation between the State Tax Service of Ukraine and Academy of Electronic Management was signed on 27.04.2021.
State Tax Service of Ukraine was included in the list of project recipients on 26.05.2021.
As a project part, services will be provided to the State Tax Service of Ukraine regarding development of secure electronic web services and/or web clients for connecting registers and accessing data.
Expected impact of the "EU4DigitalUA" project within the framework of implementation of the Memorandum of cooperation consists in improving access and increasing quality of services provided to citizens of Ukraine using the e-government tools, reducing the service provision time, increasing transparency, minimizing corruption risks and ensuring equal opportunities in receiving services.
"EU support for digital transformation of Ukraine" (project registration card No. 5043 dated 27.12.2022)
Project executor is the e-Governance Academy Foundation/(eGA) NGO in a period from 01.11.2022 to 30.04.2025.
Main project task is to increase efficiency and safety of the public services provision, as well as to improve their accessibility for Ukrainian citizens and business in Ukraine according to the EU requirements, since about 10 million Ukrainian citizens were forced to move and have urgent need to receive services online.
Project is aimed at four priority areas:
Development of the e-services and environment for providing services – main attention is paid to the "Diia" platform and development of other separate and complex services, development of the information system of "Diia" centers (centers of provision of administrative services) and creation of the "Diia" competence center.
Development of interoperability between registries and service providers – main attention is paid to development of the Trembita 2.0 interoperability system, Trembita services (web services and web clients), as well as improving security of critical registries.
Development of the eID infrastructure – main attention is paid to introduction of the eIDAS node, ensuring technological compatibility of the key state infrastructure of Ukraine with the EU requirements, as well as implementation of solutions in Ukraine that comply with the eIDAS 2.0 Regulation, including the EU electronic identification wallet.
Law enforcement activity - main focus is on improving process of investigating war crimes through development and implementation of the e-CMS modules for the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine, as well as improving IT systems and infrastructure of the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine, including supply of equipment and software for creation of a backup node. General goal is to involve other law enforcement agencies and investigative judges in this process.
Project beneficiary is the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.
Expected result is increase in number and quality of state electronic services provided by Ukrainian authorities.