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STS specialists participated in online seminar: “Joint Audits. Solving practical cases in the transfer pricing”

published 03 February 2021 at 09:27

On the 20th – 22nd of January 2021, another three-day practical seminar and online discussion was held with representatives of the State Tax Service of Ukraine, its territorial bodies Service and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine on the topic: “Joint Audits. Solving practical cases in the transfer pricing”.

Event was organized by the project “Effective Public Financial Management III” implemented by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) on behalf of the Government of Germany at request of the STS.

German experts-practitioners in the transfer pricing audit and international taxation – Mr. Alexander Leipold, Mrs. Olga Asseburg-Witfeldt and Mr. Arno Neumannfrom the Federal Central Tax Office (Bonn) presented the international experience (OECD, EU) and the German experience to Ukrainian colleagues: representatives of the International Cooperation Department of the STS, the Tax Audit Department of the STS, Main Directorates of the STS of all regions of Ukraine,all Interregional Directoratesof the STS for work with large taxpayers and the International Taxation Department of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

The main focus was on the prospects of using such a tool as joint audits in the future if necessary legal conditions, as well as consideration, solution and discussion of practical cases from Ukraine and Germany in the transfer pricing in groups with German colleagues.

In general, during three days of working discussion, German experts jointly with Ukrainian colleagues discussed the following issues:

Joint audits (objectives, legal framework, organizational structure, methods, experience (benefits and challenges) and presentation of successful cross-border cooperation case;

Solving practical cases of transfer pricing. Simulation on the topics: “Financial operations, accrual of interest, hedging profits, losses from foreign exchange transactions” (group work, discussion of decisions and topics of the case);

Exchange of ideas and summarizing.

All this allowed to gain additional experience in further implementation of the BEPS plan, primarily in the transfer pricing for companies and selection of necessary transfer pricing methods accordingto the OECD regulations.