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Progress in the implementation of the National Revenue Strategy of Ukraine

, published 27 September 2024 at 13:40

Government approved the National Revenue Strategy until 2030 in order to reform tax, customs policies and review their administration processes in December 2023.

National Revenue Strategy is a roadmap for reforming the State Tax Service, which will be implemented in stages. It is designed for 6 years, that is, reforms will be implemented gradually until 2030.

Priority measures of the National Revenue Strategy are aimed at modernizing tax administration and creating conditions for fair tax policy, which will contribute to increasing efficiency of the state revenue management. Strategy is a vision of future revenue system that provides clarity and predictability to all participants in the tax process.

Ukraine has joined the international system of automatic exchange of information on financial accounts and international system of automatic exchange of the country-by-country reports for tax purposes. The Parliament adopted the Law of Ukraine "On amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine on the implementation of the international standard for automatic exchange of information on financial accounts" with aim of implementing the Common Reporting Standard in Ukraine (CRS). Necessary by-laws aimed at implementing the CRS standard have also been adopted.

Part of provisions of this Law concerns automatic exchange of the country-by-country reports (CbC). Procedure for organizing proper use of information contained in the country-by-country reports of the international groups of companies has already been developed and approved. The IT and administrative capacity of the competent authority of Ukraine is ensured.

With support of the World Bank, independent Global survey of taxpayers was conducted in March. In private part of the Electronic Cabinet, payers had opportunity to familiarize themselves with message of the World Bank with suggestion to join the survey and link to the page with information about the project.

Necessary steps for entry into force of the Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement on the Automatic Exchange of Information on Financial Accounts (MCAA CRS) have been implemented. In June 2024, the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes approved Report on the maturity of information security management system in Ukraine. State Tax Service received positive assessment of the OECD Global Forum regarding the maturity of information security management system.

Reminder! National revenue strategy until 2030 was developed with aim of ensuring macroeconomic and financial stability during the martial law and after its termination, improvement of tax and customs administration processes, adaptation of national tax and customs legislation of Ukraine to the EU legislation. Main provisions of the National Strategy are agreed with the International Monetary Fund, taking into account international practice of taxation, European integration processes, recommendations of the World Bank and the OECD.