In order to establish probability of committing corruption and corruption-related offenses by employees of the State Tax Service, establishing causes, conditions and consequences of possible commission of such offenses, the State Tax Service of Ukraine, according to Order of the State Tax Service № 451 as of 19.07.2022 "On conducting assessment of corruption risks in activities of the State Tax Service" ( ), guided by Article 19 of the Law of Ukraine "On the corruption prevention" within a framework of preparation of the anti-corruption program project begins assessment of corruption risks in activities of the Service in the self-assessment format.
To ensure compliance with principles of transparency and accessibility, research and public opinion, we invite representatives of the public and experts who have knowledge about internal and external environment of the State Tax Service and have experience in its activity and/or in preventing and/or countering corruption to join work of the working group on assessing corruption risks in the State Tax Service of Ukraine.
Please send written suggestions for candidates for inclusion in the specified working group not later than August 1, 2022 to the e-mail address of the Corruption Prevention and Detection Department of the State Tax Service -
Personal composition of the working group for assessing corruption risks in activities of the State Tax Service of Ukraine will be published on the website of the State Tax Service of Ukraine after its approval according to the established procedure.
Formation of the working group and its further work will be carried out according to the Methodology of Corruption Risk Management, approved by Order of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention № 830/21 as of 12.28.2021, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine as of 17.02.2022 under № 219/37555, which can be found at the link