State Tax Service of Ukraine informs that today on the 1st of August 2020, business entities have started using software RCOs for settlement operations.
6.5 thousand software RCOs have been registered in the Register of software registrars of calculated operations as of 10 a.m.
Fiscal server provides fiscalization of checks online with the software RCOs.
That is, the software RCOs installed on gadgets can be used to fiscalize settlement operations as an alternative to cash registers.
STS suggested business entities its free software RCO, which are posted on the web portal of the State Tax Service in the relevant section of the banner “Software RCO” at the following links:
The transfer of data from software RCO to the fiscal server is carried out by means of communication using a qualified electronic signature or seal. Free electronic signatures and seals can be obtained from a qualified provider of electronic trust services of the Information and Reference Department of the State Tax Service. Clarifications about obtaining qualified electronic signature certificates and seals for the software RCOs are posted in the relevant section of the banner “Software RROs” at the link:
In order to provide informational support to business entities that start using software RCOs, the work of the STS’s Contact Center has been extended to 08 p.m. 00 min. In case of technical, methodological questions, please call 0 800 501 007. Comments / suggestions on the functionality of the fiscal server, its API and free software RCO can be sent to: In addition, consultation about the work of software RCO can be obtained at the Taxpayer service centers.
Please note that despite the fact that test period has ended, the software RCO developers and business entities may test software RCO and / or the fiscal server API using test payers and their keys; list of test payers is provided in the relevant section of the banner “Software RRO” at: