State Tax Service of Ukraine informs that the legal grounds for registration and use of software registrars of calculated operations in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the use of registrars of calculated operations in the trade, catering and services” come into force on 01.08.2020.
Reminder! Registration of software RCO is carried out on the basis of registration application, the form and instructions for its filling are posted at the link:
Testing of the STS’s free software solutions and fiscal server API will be finished on July 31, 2020 at 11 p.m. 59 min.
Scheduled (technical) work will be carried out on 01.08.2020 from 12 a.m. 00 min to 08 a.m. 00 min.
Actual registration of software RCOs and fiscalization of settlement operations will be carried out on 01.08.2020 from 09 a.m. 00 min.
From now, data about registered software RCOs, registered (fiscalized) settlement operations will be stored in the information and telecommunication system of the State Tax Service and will be considered as data provided by the business entity about software RCO and actually conducted settlement operations.