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Tax specialists exposed tax “money laundering” for millions UAH

, published 11 February 2021 at 10:16

Tax specialists of Trans-Carpathian region conducted analytical research of financial and economic activity of the business entity for presence of violations related to legalization (money laundering) of proceeds and / or other violations during financial and economic operations during 2019 – 2020.

It was exposed that officials of one enterprise falsified official documents that would confirm the reality of purchase from suppliers of goods (works, services) and in which there is no purchase of goods (works, services) in a supply chain totaling 16.8 million UAH. As a result, a tax credit for 2.8 million UAH was unreasonably formed.

Based on materials collected by employees of Main Directorate of the STS in Trans-Carpathian region, the Police department of Uzhhorod district of Main Police Directorate in Trans-Carpathian region entered information on committing criminal violation under Article 358 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Investigative actions within the framework of this criminal proceeding are currently ongoing.


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