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Tax evasion scheme created by individual totaling more than 9 million UAH was exposed

, published 03 March 2021 at 09:06

Tax specialists jointly with Main Directorate of the SFS in Dnipropetrovsk region exposed receipt of funds totaling more than 25 million UAH by individual – entrepreneur on own accounts and payment cards.

It was established that individual opened bank card accounts, which were credited with funds that may be related to the legalization (money-laundering) of proceeds. Further, these funds were collected through ATMs and cash branches of banking institutions.

Specified transactions were not reflected in the entrepreneurial reporting, which led to the non-payment of taxes and fees in the amount of more than 9 million UAH.

Data on the commission of a criminal violation under Part 3 Article 212 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine was entered in the Unified register of pre-trial investigations based on research materials collected by the Anti-money laundering department of the STS in Dnipropetrovsk region.


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