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To the attention of business entities involved in the fuel sales!

, published 07 April 2021 at 11:43

STS asks business entities involved in the fuel sales to temporarily refrain from visiting Taxpayer Service Centers for obtaining licenses without urgent need in connection with announcement of quarantine in Ukraine, according to Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of 09.12.2020 № 1236 “On quarantine and implementation of restrictive anti-epidemic measures to prevent the spread of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by coronavirus SARS-Cov-2”.

At the same time please note that the STS continues to work in usual working schedule. Business entities can receive information and reference services on licensing at the location of business entity and / or at the place of business entity in the Licensing department of Main Directorates of the STS in regions and Kyiv city by the telephone from 08:00 to 17:00 (excepting Saturdays, Sundays and holidays).

Also it should be reminded that on the web portal of the STS at address: and on the Unified state web portal of open data ( in Section: “Registers” there is placed and maintained in the current state “Unified state register of business entities that received licenses for production, storage, wholesale and retail fuel sales and places of production, storage, wholesale and retail sales of fuel”.

We ask you to treat current situation with understanding.


Communicate with the State Tax Service remotely using the “InfoTAX” service