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Financial agents, attention!

, published 19 November 2021 at 14:32

The US Internal Revenue Service (hereinafter – the US IRS) provided information on the renewal of its digital certificate.

The US IRS FATCA digital certificate will expire at the end of December 2021. To prevent interruptions in reporting, the US IRS will open a new certificate / key available for financial agents to download starting 03.12.2021 from 07:00 EST (14:00 Kyiv time).

To allow applicants to download new certificate, the US IRS plans to notify them through the FATCA newsletter.

Received FATCA report files must be encoded with a new open certificate, otherwise these files will create errors at the level of file “Signature verification error” after 03.12.2021.

For convenience, a link is provided for financial agents to subscribe to the FATCA news and information list:


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