State Tax Service of Ukraine has processed 761 requests for public information over January – June 2022.
Of the total number: 98 requests were received by mail, 639 by e-mail and 27 personally from the requester.
The biggest number of requests for obtaining public information came from individuals, namely 454 requests.
Since the beginning of year: 271 requests for public information have been received from legal entities, 2 from citizen associations without legal entity’s status and 34 from mass media representatives.
According to the consideration results of requests: 467 were satisfied with provision of information, 154 were rejected due to the non-compliance of requests with requirements of the Law of Ukraine № 2939-IV as of 13.12.2011 "On access to public information" and 140 – sent by affiliation.
Reminder! Requests for receiving public information are sent to the e-mail address