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"Online education" structure for payers has been updated

, published 01 June 2023 at 15:57

State Tax Service has updated structure of the "Online education" section for users’ convenience. Attention is focused on the information needs and convenience of taxpayers in finding necessary tax information.

All materials are divided into three blocks. The first contains information on individual types of taxes. It is enough for a payer to choose section with a title of tax he/she is interested in, and then divisions will guide payer in direction of finding necessary information.

In this block, payers can view declaration forms, instructions for filling them out, peculiarities that payers need to pay attention to, legislative clarifications, etc.

The second block is concentrated on information regarding tax procedures. In particular, taxpayers can view materials on issues related to registration suspension of tax invoice, use of RRО/PRRО, payment of taxes and single contribution, tax debt repayment.

If you are interested in work of the E-cabinet, Contact Center of the State Tax Service, electronic trust services - then we suggest you go to the third block. It is servicing, as contains grouped materials that explain specifics of using tax services. For example, our recommendations will help you get information about a business partner in the Electronic cabinet, submit reports through the Electronic cabinet, get the taxpayer's account card and information from the State Register of Individuals - Taxpayers, and much more.

The "Online education" section is mobile. New subdivisions will be added to it according to the taxpayers’ needs. All information is presented in videos, presentation and text materials, which are constantly updated and added.

The "Online education" section is located on the main page of web portal of the State Tax Service at a link

Use it, suggest – we’ll make it!

Reminder! The "Online education" section became operational on 25.04.2023. Since then, it contains already more than 150 materials.