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Rules of corporate culture have been approved at the State Tax Service of Ukraine

, published 13 July 2023 at 12:34

Rules of corporate culture of the State Tax Service of Ukraine have been approved by acting Head of the State Tax Service Tetiana Kiriienko. Formation of Rules took place based on the survey results of employees and discussions in structural subdivisions of the apparatus and territorial bodies of the State Tax Service.

Rules have been developed with an aim of forming modern corporate culture in bodies of the State Tax Service – a certain system of norms, rules, values and ethical standards shared by all employees of the Service. They affect quality of work and motivation of employees, their attitude to assigned duties, nature of personal and industrial relations, as they help develop a sense of identity, responsibility, sense of social protection in employees, as well as attractiveness of the State Tax Service as an employer.

Rules of corporate culture of the State Tax Service of Ukraine are designed to facilitate implementation of its mission.