State Tax Service of Ukraine reminds citizens of the possibility at any time of the day, 24/7 and in any place to notify the tax service through the chatbot "StopViolationBot" in Telegram messenger about known facts of legislative violations, in particular, regarding:
non-use of RRO/PRRO, non-issuance of checks;
refusal to pay with a bank card;
increase in prices for food products and medicines;
non-registration of labor relations with employees;
conduction of economic activities without state registration.
Over the six months of 2023, the State Tax Service received more than 500 notifications about legislative violations committed by business entities controlled by tax authorities using the chatbot.
It is possible to report about such facts to the State Tax Service by following the link:
Chatbot "StopViolationBot" of the State Tax Service
Herewith, the vast majority of such reports related to citizens who carry out activities without state registration, violations committed by taxpayers of procedure for conducting settlements selling products on the Internet, failure to provide the possibility of non-cash payment and failure to formalize labor relations.
Наявна у ДПС податкова інформація, отримана через чат-бот «StopViolationBot», про можливі порушення платниками податків законодавства, контроль за яким покладено на контролюючі органи, досліджується та перевіряється працівниками податкових органів, а у випадку підтвердження наданої інформації вживаються відповідні заходи реагування, в тому числі податкові перевірки.