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"Online education" section has been amended with useful information for payers

, published 14 September 2023 at 16:25

"Online education" section on website of the State Tax Service, in which taxpayers can get useful information regarding tax topics, skills in filling out tax reporting and understanding optimal tax payment mechanisms, has been amended with new materials.

Presentation materials on the topic: "Analysis of reasons that served as grounds for satisfying/rejecting complaints of taxpayers (single contribution)" are placed in the sub-section "Review of decisions of territorial bodies of the State Tax Service according to procedure established by the law." 

Sub-section "Tax audits" has been amended with materials:

Regarding softenings in trade, public catering and services

Regarding specifics of actual audits

Presentation materials on the topic: "Content of tax lien" are placed in the sub-section "Work on the tax debt repayment ". When does s right to tax lien arise?". 

"Online education" section is mobile. It will be amended with new divisions according to the taxpayers’ needs. All information is presented in videos, presentation and text materials, which are constantly updated and amended.