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Offsite meeting of the State Tax Service in Kyiv region: results of work and priority tasks for the current year

, published 08 March 2024 at 12:30

Under the leadership of acting Head of the State Tax Service Tetiana Kiriienko the offsite meeting was held on the basis of Main Directorate of the State Tax Service in Kyiv region with leadership of its territorial bodies of the capital region, Kyiv city and Central Interregional Directorate of the State Tax Service for work with large taxpayers.

Results of work of territorial units for 2023 were summed up, strategic directions were discussed and a range of priority tasks for the current year was outlined during the meeting.

In the context of assessing prospects for implementation of set revenue indicators in March of the current year, Tetiana Kiriienko emphasized that the current goal is unconditional fulfillment of all tasks set for the State Tax Service, therefore priority is a thorough analysis of current situation, intensification of work on effective provision of budget filling, etc.

Tetiana Kiriienko emphasized that focus of the State Tax Service remains maximum business support, implementation of new and improvement of existing electronic services that simplify interaction of taxpayers with tax authorities, creating comfortable conditions for them both in conducting business and fulfilling their tax obligations.