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Specialists of the State Tax Service clarify formation of standard audit file (SAF-T UA)

, published 19 June 2024 at 10:34

In order to discuss problematic matters raised by major taxpayers, representatives of the State Tax Service held online meetings with representatives of mobile operator companies. Participants discussed urgent matters of forming standard audit file (SAF-T UA).

State Tax Service constantly cooperates with taxpayers on the implementation of standard audit file (SAF-T UA) in their activities. In particular, for this, necessary information and relevant presentation materials are systematically published on web portal of the State Tax Service of Ukraine.

For payers’ convenience, the "SAF-T UA" banner has been created on web portal of the State Tax Service, in which information is structured according to the following sections:

Normative – legal acts


Clarification. Questions – answers;


XSD (defined scheme for the SAF-T UA standard audit file)

Go to the "SAF-T UA" banner from the main banner of the main page of web portal of the State Tax Service.

Please note that updates to the Detailed technical description of SAF-T UA elements and Addendum to the Detailed technical description of SAF-T UA elements, with possibility of downloading them, can be found on web portal of the State Tax Service in the "Electronic reporting" section at the link: