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State Tax Service: continues development with support of the EU4PFM experts

, published 17 July 2024 at 15:05

Participants of the 13th meeting of the EU4PFM Steering Committee discussed current state of implementation of the international technical assistance project "Public Finance Management Support Programme for Ukraine (EU4PFM): components 1, 3 and 4".

Key project experts by areas of work, representatives of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, State Customs Service of Ukraine and State Tax Service of Ukraine, EU Representation in Ukraine reviewed achieved results, plans for the second half of year and measures to be completed by the end of project.

Deputy Head of the State Tax Service for Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitalization Nataliia Kalienichenko particularly noted importance of assistance of the EU4PFM experts, EU Representation in reform of the Tax Service, its digitalization, and also thanked for effective cooperation and support.

Focus of attention of the State Tax Service is fulfillment of all obligations within the framework of project, effective implementation of developments in work of the Service with expert support of the EU4PFM.

Reminder! State Tax Service has been participating in project since 2020, detailed information can be found at the link: