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Information made public by the manager

According to Article 15 of the Law of Ukraine № 2939-VI as of 13.01.2011 "On access to public information", the following has been published on the web portal of the State Tax Service of Ukraine:

- information about the organizational structure, mission, functions, powers, main tasks, areas of activity;

- financial resources (structure and amount of budget funds, order and mechanism of their spending, etc.);

- normative legal acts, acts of individual action (except for intra-organizational ones), adopted by the manager;

- draft decisions to be discussed;

- information about the regulatory and legal basis of activity;

- list and conditions for receiving services provided by these bodies, forms and samples of documents, rules for filling them in;

- procedure for compiling and submitting information request;

- appealing against decisions of information managers, actions or inaction;

- information about mechanisms or procedures by which the public can represent their interests or otherwise influence implementation of the information manager's powers;

- plans and agenda of their open meetings;

- general rules of work of service, rules of internal labor regulations;

- reports of the State Tax Service;

- information about activities of subjects of authority, namely:

their location, postal address, contact numbers, official website and email addresses;

surname, name and patronymic, service numbers of the communication means, e-mail addresses of the Chairman and deputies, as well as heads of structural regional directorates, main functions of structural and regional directorates, except for when this information belongs to information with limited access;

- working schedule and reception schedule of citizens;

- vacancies, procedure and conditions of competition for filling for vacant positions.